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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heroclix Online early review

We finally have it, Heroclix online. This is similar to how Magic Online works, where it works on the same format of playing. The control Screen is great. You can see your collection, create forces, purchase boosters, find tournaments and find open games. Right now for the price of 1.95 plus a starter set and in July, an exclusive figure, you can't beat it. Worth it for that. It's even the Fantastic Four starter, so you get an AMAZING doom figure. Now for the bad news.

Navigating in the map, during play is kind of... questionable. It's not impossible to get where you want on the map, but it does take patience. You cant just click a point and drag your mouse quick (when I did it it took me everywhere but where I wanted.) You have to finesse it, and move only in short increments at a time. The next thing that is kind of... That's pretty much it, everything is straight forward and the actions are great. I plan on playing more, and when it takes off, expect to see bozziusmaximus at plenty of online tournaments.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Check out our youtube channel! First video here!

Without further a do, the first video from us, the Effingham Gamer's Group. There will be much more to follow. Soon I'll have pics of these guys painted.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Interesting tips and thoughts concerning modeling (Warhammer 40k)

So I was thinking about ways to make it cheaper to make an Army for Warhammer 40k. You really should decide how vested you are willing to be in this hobby. First thing, a dollar amount, because this game is expensive. Skipping a few of the next things, how can you cut costs? Go to your kitchen, take the tops of your betty crocker buttery spread, and even the cans them selves, and cut them into useful shapes that you can basically cut, glue, bend, and reshape in order to have materials. There is a cost cut for plasticard. Now the next thing is glue. I used to be a strict advocate of the 1.00 for 4 to 6 packs of tube from Wal Mart, but I have learned that the games workshop glue is so much more efficient and solid. So use the good stuff. Next is your army build. If you are doing marines, you can take weapons and parts, even ink pens, and create guns, barrels, your favorite old army toys, and even do custom weapons. Same thing goes for imperial guard. Another thing, if you are playing Orks, you're imagination is your only limit. Go nuts, turn the army tank from the green plastic army men bag into a small looted wagon, cut the top off of it, take those Betty Crocker tops, cut some sheets to shape it to a more orky look with teef and gubbins, maybe wires from an old speaker cable, then the ink pens that are dead, spill the guts, take the lid, cut then into halves, make something to mount them, looted wagon with a boom gun. Really just general things to consider when you are wanting to save a buck on this hobby.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

If you support heroclix

Go to that link and buy yourself a bad ass tee shirt.
Also if you support do it. Good stuff, thank you.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Casual Planeswalker

Looking for tips on Magic building? Rules, Casual Play? Tournament tips and ideas?
Go here!!! Take a minute, check them out. Useful articles
and if you sign up for news and updates, they send you a pdf with great tips on deck building.

Take a minute, say hey, and have a good day

Happy Gaming

Monday, June 6, 2011

Some Good Peoples

So far we have our first partner in crime, helping us with the event. Grid Reality Maps is going to be supporting us on this adventure so expect some major clickage. Imagine the Anti-Monitor vs Sentinel, or World's Finest vs Thor's Mighty Chariot.
Thanks guys, and to people looking at this, here's a link:

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Small Update!

So, we are currently in talks with a couple of people in the gaming industry, and let's just say that if everything goes to plan, we will have some sponsors. Can't say much more at this time, but soon as I hear more, this will be the first place to know about it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Review of a couple of things

First of all, go see X-men First Class, it is the best X-men movie yet. It practically saved that franchise. Magneto was probably the best character in my honest opinion. They reflected who he was to me as far as what the comics and original animated series had me to believe. On to other news, August 6 we are holding our event at the effingham Recreational Complex. It is a free event and we are currently looking for sponsors. If you know anyone or anything interested let us know. That is all the news for now, but as it progresses it will be posted here first.

 Nerd Out!